The Verdict Is In: Missing Millions Must Be Found and Returned – co-authored with Tom KeatingeDenisse Rudich2021-08-16T19:18:26+00:00December 16th, 2019|engagement_type: Publication| place: Medium|
FATF Turns 30, Part 2: Addressing the rise of Crypto, VASPs and technologyDenisse Rudich2020-10-15T17:37:28+00:00November 29th, 2019|engagement_type: Publication| place: Thomson Reuters Accelus|
FATF turns 30: The evolution and impact of the AML/CFT standard setter – part 1– co-authored with Andrew LiuDenisse Rudich2020-10-08T20:43:53+00:00November 15th, 2019|engagement_type: Publication| place: Thomson Reuters Accelus|
ACAMS, AML for FinTechsDenisse Rudich2020-10-08T14:34:15+00:00November 14th, 2019|engagement_type: Course| place: ACAMS|
ACAMS | FinTechs as your CustomersDenisse Rudich2020-10-08T14:35:08+00:00November 14th, 2019|engagement_type: Course| place: ACAMS|
Applying a Financial Crime Lens to Advance G7 Gender InitiativesDenisse Rudich2020-10-09T01:25:52+00:00September 21st, 2019|engagement_type: Publication| place: G7 Research Group|
SUSPICIOUS TRANSACTION REPORT – Episode 03: Is a New Approach Needed?Denisse Rudich2020-10-08T19:44:47+00:00September 8th, 2019|engagement_type: Podcast| place: RUSI|
Euronews Digital Tax Interview with Denisse RudichDenisse Rudich2020-10-08T19:19:31+00:00August 27th, 2019|engagement_type: Broadcast Appearance| place: Euronews|
Denisse Rudich Live from the G7 Summit in BiarritzDenisse Rudich2020-10-08T19:26:09+00:00August 27th, 2019|engagement_type: Broadcast Appearances| place: G7 Summit|